SPM LTDS Appendix 4 Fault Levels (Table 4) 132kV 1ph


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S/S Group
The identifier for the substation group a substation is within.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
S/S Name
The identifier of the substation.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Busbar Name
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) identifier for the faulted busbar.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Voltage Level (KV)
The operating voltage of the asset.

LV ('Low Voltage', generally 215V),

HV ('High Voltage', >= 6.6kV and < 33kV),

EHV ('Extra High Voltage', 33kV) or 132kV.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
System Impedance X (% on 100 MVA Base)
System reactance, per unit on a 100MVA base.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
System Impedance R (% on 100 MVA Base)
System resistance, per unit on a 100MVA base.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Existing System 1ph Peak Make (KA)
The maximum possible instantaneous value of the prospective short circuit current and occurs at the first AC peak after fault inception. Due to the time elapsed; there is little decay of the DC component.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Existing System 1ph RMS Break (KA)
The RMS value of the AC component of the short circuit current at the time the circuit breaker is required to operate and takes no account of the DC component.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Switchgear Rating 1ph Make (kA)
The short-circuit current that the breakers are capable of "making" i.e. closing onto an existing fault.

Switchgear rating refers to capability of circuit breakers only. Substations are limited to the Fault Level Design Limits as outlined in Substation Fault Levels sections 2.4.3 of the LTDS main document.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)
Switchgear Rating 1ph Break (kA)
The short-circuit current that the breakers are capable of breaking. It is expressed in kA RMS at contact separation.

Switchgear rating refers to capability of circuit breakers only. Substations are limited to the Fault Level Design Limits as outlined in Substation Fault Levels sections 2.4.3 of the LTDS main document.

No description available for this field.

Name (identifier)

JSON Schema

The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. More about JSON schema.

  • "title":"spm-ltds-appendix-4-fault-levels-table-4-132kv-1ph",
  • "type":"object",
  • "oneOf":
    • {
      • "$ref":"#/definitions/spm-ltds-appendix-4-fault-levels-table-4-132kv-1ph"
  • "definitions":
    • "spm-ltds-appendix-4-fault-levels-table-4-132kv-1ph":
      • "properties":
        • "records":
          • "type":"array",
          • "items":
            • "$ref":"#/definitions/spm-ltds-appendix-4-fault-levels-table-4-132kv-1ph_records"
    • "spm-ltds-appendix-4-fault-levels-table-4-132kv-1ph_records":
      • "properties":
        • "fields":
          • "type":"object",
          • "properties":
            • "s_s_group":
              • "type":"string",
              • "title":"S/S Group",
              • "description":"The identifier for the substation group a substation is within."
            • "s_s_name":
              • "type":"string",
              • "title":"S/S Name",
              • "description":"The identifier of the substation."
            • "busbar_name":
              • "type":"string",
              • "title":"Busbar Name",
              • "description":"Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) identifier for the faulted busbar."
            • "voltage_level_kv":
              • "type":"integer",
              • "title":"Voltage Level (KV)",
              • "description":"The operating voltage of the asset. LV ('Low Voltage', generally 215V), HV ('High Voltage', >= 6.6kV and < 33kV), EHV ('Extra High Voltage', 33kV) or 132kV."
            • "system_impedance_x_on_100_mva_base":
              • "type":"number",
              • "title":"System Impedance X (% on 100 MVA Base)",
              • "description":"System reactance, per unit on a 100MVA base."
            • "system_impedance_r_on_100_mva_base":
              • "type":"number",
              • "title":"System Impedance R (% on 100 MVA Base)",
              • "description":"System resistance, per unit on a 100MVA base."
            • "existing_system_1ph_peak_make_ka":
              • "type":"number",
              • "title":"Existing System 1ph Peak Make (KA)",
              • "description":"The maximum possible instantaneous value of the prospective short circuit current and occurs at the first AC peak after fault inception. Due to the time elapsed; there is little decay of the DC component."
            • "existing_system_1ph_rms_break_ka":
              • "type":"number",
              • "title":"Existing System 1ph RMS Break (KA)",
              • "description":"The RMS value of the AC component of the short circuit current at the time the circuit breaker is required to operate and takes no account of the DC component."
            • "switchgear_rating_1ph_make_ka":
              • "type":"string",
              • "title":"Switchgear Rating 1ph Make (kA)",
              • "description":"The short-circuit current that the breakers are capable of "making" i.e. closing onto an existing fault. Switchgear rating refers to capability of circuit breakers only. Substations are limited to the Fault Level Design Limits as outlined in Substation Fault Levels sections 2.4.3 of the LTDS main document."
            • "switchgear_rating_1ph_break_ka":
              • "type":"string",
              • "title":"Switchgear Rating 1ph Break (kA)",
              • "description":"The short-circuit current that the breakers are capable of breaking. It is expressed in kA RMS at contact separation. Switchgear rating refers to capability of circuit breakers only. Substations are limited to the Fault Level Design Limits as outlined in Substation Fault Levels sections 2.4.3 of the LTDS main document."


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