Digital View of Distribution Connections

SP Distribution & SP Manweb

SPEN’s Digital View of Distribution Connections provides greater transparency of major connections pipelines (1MW and above) at SPM and SPD Grid Supply Points (GSP) for existing and new customers looking to obtain a generation connection. Please see disclaimers for appropriate use and liability associated with this.

The 'GSP Overview' table provides specific GSP information to illustrate available capacity at that GSP for new connections.

The 'Project Pipeline' table is a list formed of embedded generation schemes (1MW and above) in the pipeline to connect to the selected GSP , and is populated using data from Embedded Capacity Register (ECR). The purpose is to provide a view of the generation connections pipeline per GSP and the types of generation and export capacity of those currently contracted to connect.

In the sections below you can explore the data in more detail.

GSP Overview

Distribution Connection Tables (1MW and above)

In the below tables you will be provided with information displaying available capacity, new connections and GSP’s in the pipeline to be connected. This can be filtered to your chosen GSP substation for relevant details to be populated.

Select Substation
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Note 1 : 'Developer Capacity Available' for each GSP can be obtained from the National Energy System Operator (NESO). Relevant links are available on the following page:

Note 2 : Where no information is provided on a listed GSP, then the likelihood is that the GSP is contracted but not yet connected. Further information will be provided once available.

Note 3 : 'Transmission Reinforcement Expected Completion Dates' are not provided for the SPD network as transmission reinforcement works have not been triggered at many of the SPD GSPs. Should the required in a new application exceed the capacity available at a GSP, the transmission works required to complete the connection could take 6 - 8 years from the point transmission reinforcement works are accepted as part of the connection offer.

Note 4 : 'Transmission Reinforcement Expected Completion Dates' are not provided for the SPM network as these are managed by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET). Further information on NGET transmission reinforcement works pipeline is available on the following page:

Note 5 : Technical Limits are currently being rolled out in the SPM network. Technical Limits are operational limits agreed between the DNO, TO and ESO at the transmission and distribution boundary to allow the DNO to manage power flows at GSPs and connect distribution customers at these GSPs ahead of transmission reinforcement works on a flexible basis. Further information on the SP Energy Networks Technical Limits roll out plan is provided here:

Note 6 : Identical Generation Connected (MW) values are provided for GSPs Connahs Quay, Pentir and St Asaph. This is because the value is an aggregation of the capacity connected at all three GSPs. This is also true for GSPs Frodsham and Ince.

‘Data Definitions’ are available at the end of the page, providing clarification of each field.

Project Pipeline

Below highlights various generator types and export capacity (if applicable) available to your selected GSP substation.

Data Definitions

  • Generation Connected (MW) - Total capacity of existing generation connections made on the GSP.
  • TD Boundary Capacity Notes - A brief note of any schemes in place to allow customers to connect ahead of any transmission constraints. This includes Active Network Management (ANM), Technical Limits, Load Management Schemes (LMS) and Generation Export Management Scheme (GEMS). Further information can be found here:
  • GSP Technical Export Limit (MW) - Calculated based on the gross GSP minimum demand (not including contribution from embedded power stations). A single export technical limit is provided here to cover the entire year for the GSP.
  • GSP Technical Import Limit Winter (MW) – Calculated based on the gross GSP demand data for the GSP minimum demand during Winter. For the purposes of Technical Limits this is between 1st December and 28th February (inclusive).
  • GSP Technical Import Limit Summer (Solar Max) (MW) – Calculated based on the gross minimum GSP demand in Summer. This cardinal point should represent a time within the cardinal point where solar PV output is at a maximum output. For the purposes of Technical Limits this is between 1st June and 31st August (inclusive).
  • GSP Technical Import Limit Summer (Solar Min) (MW) – Calculated based on the gross minimum GSP demand in Summer. This cardinal point should represent a time within the cardinal point where solar PV output is at a lower output. For the purposes of Technical Limits this is between 1st June and 31st August (inclusive).
  • Generator Type - Generation source(s) / technology type(s) in the customer scheme.
  • Export Capacity (MW) – Agreed maximum amount of power that the customer scheme can export (generate).

Disclaimer :   Digital View of Distribution Connections has been developed to provide customers with a snapshot of some of the key known connection constraints and the connections pipeline at each SPEN GSP. However please note this is not ordered by queue position. No express or implied condition, warranty, term or representation is given by SPEN regarding the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information contained within or produced as part of the reports or any related information. SPEN shall have no liability to any user for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of Digital View of Distribution Connections, or reliance by the user on any information provided within it.